
From 17th to 30th September members of the St Eugene de Mazenod Parish and St Eugene College will travel on pilgrimage in the footsteps of St Eugene de Mazenod. This blog aims to share our journey with you. Enjoy the trip.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 3: Rome & Vatican City

St Eugene visited Rome four times. He visited Rome to gain approval for the Oblates in 1826 and was ordained a Bishop in Rome some years later. He was also one of the bishops present for the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. In this spirit the pilgrims gathered at St Peters Basilica for 7.15am Mass in the Chapel of the Patron Saints of Europe which is located deep in the crypt. It was a challenge for all the pilgrims to make Mass on time. We lost some on the way to the train station. Due to the eagle eyed leader of the party they caught up with the main party before Mass started. But all was well. Mass ended with the sweet sounds of the St Eugene College song echoing around the crypt. After Mass the pilgrims visited the tombs of many of the popes. Some pilgrims had a short stop for coffee before a comprehensive tour of the Vatican Museum. One pilgrim commented "words could not express what I saw". The level of knowledge of our guide was remarkable. The group left the Vatican uplifted by the Eucharist and the beauty of the art of the museum.
I can report the spirits of all pilgrims are high despite some being tired and emotional at times (Denis).
Have you guessed the identity of the pilgrimage mascot? She is very resilient and is a real crowd pleaser despite her power supply running low.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo guys. Your shirts look great!!! Brings back memories seeing you all there in the beautiful St Peter's Basilica - and the line up outside the Vatican Muesum!!! When we were there it went for miles!! Enjoying the blog keep up the photos Paul. Jo Mxx
